<transcy>Anuncia algo aquí</transcy>

<transcy>Libros y Belleza</transcy>

<transcy>Cuando el mundo le dijo que tenía que elegir, ¡eligió ambos!</transcy>


<transcy>Proviene de las cosas que amo. ¡Anime, libros y sonrisas!</transcy>


These books have really been helping me thru my depression and this pandemic. Support my friend @vastiapascale !!!!!

Maya Angelique @moneyymaya

Strangers alike, for someone I didn't know; I felt I knew you for years, your warm embrace, your honesty; your heart controlled your hand spiritually as you released your reality. The unorthodox flow of your poetry leaves me speechless. Every poem representing a brick being broken off the wall which guarded and protected your soul. We are strangers alike but now strangers no more. 
Thank you for reminding the world what true art is; the art God created through our life's reality... 

Aesha Curtis - 2017

From the pen of the talented Miss Vastia @vastiapascale Great Read! Will purchase many more books in the near future! Don’t stop blessing the world with your poetry

Jan @jan_russ